The video above is the announcement of Tesla's Powerwall 2 and Solar Roofs. Tesla came out with the original Powerwall a few years ago. This is a battery that can store electricity for later use when energy production is low. This is a big step in the sustainable energy movement, as many sustainable energy sources fluctuate throughout the day. Their new model can hold more electricity. It holds enough power in one of these batteries to power a four bedroom house for an entire day. The Powerwall 2 is made to work with their new Solar Roofs.
Solar Roofs make it possible for people to produce their own electricity. These roofs are made of tiles that are individual solar panels. This makes it possible to generate sustainable electricity while maintaining a sleek, beautiful home. They made four different styles of these tiles based on individual style preferences. Used with the Powerwall 2, individual homes can cut off their reliance on the electrical grid, and reduce their impact on the planet.
Tesla has said that these Solar Roofs would not cost much more than a typical roof would cost at an average-sized home. Of course, one would have to add the price of the Powerwall into their budget if they wanted to stop relying on the grid. However, there are also significant tax breaks for people who install solar panels on their home. So, this option may not be completely out of the question for people who need to install a new roof on their home anyways.
Elon Musk has said that driving an electric vehicle, producing your own sustainable energy, and having an energy storage system is the goal for living an emission-free lifestyle. Hopefully in the future these products will be more accessible for the general public, and people can start living comfortably in ways that do not hurt the environment like they do currently.
References: Tesla. “Tesla Unveils Powerwall 2 & Solar Roof” YouTube, hosted by Elon Musk, 28 October 2016,