Monday, January 29, 2018

Why Don't We Use Green Energy?

The video above explains why although sustainable energy is so important, it is not utilized as much as it could be in today's society. Sustainable energy is energy that is produced using sources, such as water, wind, and solar power, rather than using nonrenewable resources, such as fossil fuels. The burning of fossil fuels for energy is so embedded in our history. Thomas Edison built the first practical coal-fired power plant in 1882. Since then, technology has improved, making it easier and easier to get a hold of these fossil fuels. Our society has been fueled by the burning of fossil fuels for so long that it seems there is no end in sight.

In the U.S., use of coal for has been reduced from about 53 percent of all energy produced in 2010 to about 34 percent in 2015. However, use of natural gas has increased recently due to fracking. Fossil fuels are useful because they can increase their output to meet increased energy demands, which sustainable energy cannot do yet. There are many negative effects to human health and environmental degradation caused by the burning of fossil fuels. Of course, the burning of fossil fuels is also a main contribution to global climate change.

So, why don't we use clean energy? It all comes down to money and comfort. People are comfortable in their daily lives and don't want to give up any of the luxuries we have grown accustomed to. Fossil fuels are also cheaper and more attainable for the average American household. So we know that clean energy is important but how do we start actually using this technology?


Sustainable energy does cost more upfront, but it is cheap to run because they are fueled by natural processes. Also, the price of clean energy technologies has steadily been decreasing over the years. If this trend continues and if people get out of their comfort zones, we can expect to see more sustainable energy in the future.

References: Seeker. “If Green Energy Is So Great, Why Aren't We Using It?” YouTube, written and hosted by Julian Huguet, 16 January 2017,

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